Cases based on the incompatibility of the position are exceptional. there are some results of corruption prevention


The Chairwoman of the Corruption Prevention Commission, Haykuhi Harutyunyan, interviewed to Sputnik Armenia. She spoke about the fight against corruption in Armenia and some of the results registered in that context so far.

Haykuhi Harutyunyan said that the fight against corruption has been started in Armenia, but we have to wait for the results.

"The integrity check process is a clear step forward for the state, by which persons subject to the appointment of specific state positions undergo an integrity check. It implies a study related to the properties, income, and interests of a specific candidate, a study of the applicability of all possible types of responsibility based on the previous positions held by the same candidate, the decisions made, his behavior, and based on this, presentation of integrity for appointing a specific person to a specific position,” noted Haykuhi Harutyunyan.

Haykuhi Harutyunyan also added that the General Prosecutor's Office, Supreme Judicial Council of the Republic of Armenia, based on the Commission's conclusions, have already had cases when some persons were not appointed to a specific position on a negative basis. The Commission has the authority not only to state bodies, but also through bank secrecy to check whether a person's income has not been increased on illegal grounds, or if it has been increased, whether the official's expenses while managing them prove that they could not be legal.

"An expanded declaration system has been implemented in Armenia, which is advantageous when compared to the existing systems. It covers a large amount of data and areas, the results of which study makes it possible to prevent the possible action by a specific official, which contains any kind of corruption risk," noted she.