Proceeding Procedures


Within the period of January 1 of 2018 to March 30 of 2018, the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials has instituted 78 proceedings: 5 proceedings have been instituted on media publication, 73 on the ground of the studies conducted by the Commission respectively.
Three applications on the alleged violations within the Commission’s jurisdiction is under examination. Within the mentioned time period, the Commission has made 71 decisions on recorded violation, 7 decisions on the discontinuation of the proceeding respectively and as for the 19 cases, no grounds are available for the instituting of the proceeding.
At the same time, within the period of April 1-5 of 2018, 24 proceedings have been instituted, which are now ongoing.
Currently, the Commission is competent to institute administrative proceedings on the ethics rules violations for a concrete group of high-ranking officials, as well as for the declaration violations.
Pursuant to the Republic of Armenia Law on “Corruption Prevention Commission”, the newly formulated Commission will have larger tools and will also conduct the following proceedings 1. Incompatibility requirement violations, 2. Violations of other restrictions, 3. Alleged conflict of interests.
The Commission will also be competent to review the conclusions of the ethics commissions for public servants provided on the violations of incompatibility requirements and other restrictions, within the scope of review proceedings, as well as institute whistleblowing pursuant to the RA Law on “Whistleblowing System”