"Conflict of interest and rules of conduct for public servants" course for local government employees


The Corruption Prevention Commission emphasizes proper awareness of conflicts of interest and integrity among local government employees.

On the initiative of the Commission and the Eurasian Cooperation Fund, a course on "Conflict of Interest and Rules of Conduct for Public Servants" of the "Support to Civil Society" program was held at the Ijevan InfoHouse, which was attended by the administrative heads of the Ijevan community and the employees of the municipality.

A member of the Corruption Prevention Commission Mariam Galstyan, presented what is integrity and conflict of interest, how conflict of interest manifests itself in work, and how to avoid it. The participants of the meeting asked questions to the speaker and listened to their answers.

The training is carried out within the framework of the "Support to civil society for impact on reforms" program implemented with the support of the Sweden government. Another meeting also is planned in Armavir region of RA.