A Workshop on “International Systems for Conflict of Interest Management in Public Sector”


  A workshop on “International Systems for Conflict of Interest Management in Public Sector” was organized at the office of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials, which was aimed at the reform of conflict of interest management system and the capacity building of the regulations enforcement. Dmitro Kotliar, the expert of the International Governance and Risk Institute talked about the best experience of the differences of the conflict of interest types, more efficient tools to prevent and manage conflict of interest, gift related regulations, as well as international best experience on conflict of interest management systems. Afterwards, a discussion on conflict of interest examples started. Egdar Shatiryan, member of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials attached importance to the Armenian system of conflict of interest regulations and the functions of Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials. Particularly, the most common conflict of interest situations in Armenia, the effective tools to detect, prevent and manage conflict of interest situation set by the Armenian legislation were mentioned during the workshop. At the end of the workshop, Dmitro Kotliar, the expert of the International Governance and Risk Institute, suggested practical exercises on conflict of interest situations. The workshop was attended by the representatives from the RA Investigation Committee, RA Council of Justice, RA Judicial Department, RA Ministry of Justice, Civil Service Council, RA State Revenue Committee, RA Prosecutor General’s Office and RA Police.