On the initiative of the Minister of Justice Karen Andreasyan, a meeting was held in the Corruption Prevention Commission with the representatives of non-governmental organizations actively involved in the process of prevention of corruption in the Republic of Armenia.
The representatives of civil society gave details about the programs they are implementing in the process of prevention of corruption and mentioned the problems that are urgent and their solution requires the support of the state.
Karen Andreasyan expressed readiness to keep the issues contributing to the prevention of corruption on the agenda, to address the urgent issues regularly, personally or through the Deputy Minister coordinating the sphere, and the ways to solve them.
Haykuhi Harutyunyan, the chairwoman of the Commission, also highlighted such meetings, expressing hope that they will be continuous and will have visible results in each subsequent meeting.
During the meeting, among other issues, an agreement was reached to strengthen cooperation and make working discussions on anti-corruption more frequent.