Guided by the decision of the RA Prime Minister, CPC held a public discussion. The agenda of the meeting was the Budget Financing application of 2023 and the Medium-term expenditure plan of 2023-2025 of the Commission.
The aim of the public discussion is to raise public awareness of the prevention of corruption and its main targets.
Representatives of Armavir Development Center, Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center and Caucasus Research Resource Center-Armenia Foundation‒CRRC-Armenia participated in the meeting, to whom the expenditure programs and legislative bases to be implemented during the Medium-Term Expenditure Frameworks (MTEFs) were presented.
The participants of the discussion made several suggestions, in particular, to pay attention to thematic financing in the budget application, budget performance indicators, weight of actions, justification of expenses, as well as to discuss the issue of co-financing the measures envisaged by the budget application.
The participants offered to provide monitoring as a result of the training, which will enable to measure the effectiveness of the training, its applicability, as well as to include research as a separate activity.
In order to improve the transparency of the work with the public, as well as for availability of the Commission’s services, it was suggested to post the employee data and job descriptions of the CPC staff on the official website of the Commission.