Mariam Galstyan participated in the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting organized by the Open Government Partnership (OGP)

On February 5-7, 2025, in Manila (The Republic of the Philippines), the Acting Chairperson of the Commission Mariam Galstyan participated in the Asia-Pacific Regional Meeting organized by the Open Government Partnership (OGP).

The meeting aimed to promote efforts supporting participatory and resilient democracies and rebuild public trust through innovative government approaches.

Ms. Galstyan participated in the session on “Interoperability and Data Use” during which she presented the digital agenda of the Commission. Special attention was given to the data made available to the Commission through the electronic platform, the legislative regulations concerning the process, and the legal and practical challenges arising during the latter. The importance of digital data in the process of implementation of various functions of the Commission has been emphasized, along with the introduction of analytical modules through further development of the electronic platform and the upcoming planned steps in this direction.

Mariam Galstyan also delivered a speech at the session “Pathways towards Transparency of Money in Politics,” dedicated to the legislation concerning the transparency of political finance. The panel discussion’s speakers presented the reforms implemented in the field of political finance transparency in the Philippines, Indonesia, Mongolia, and Sri Lanka, including innovative solutions. The discussion also covered issues related to enhancing transparency and public accountability in the process since the Commission assumed oversight of political parties’ financial activities, as well as promoting efficiency through digital solutions.

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