A Seminar-Training on “The Establishment and Development of Corruption Risk Assessment System as a Tool to Prevent Corruption”

With the support of the Embassy of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the Republic of Armenia, within the scope of the jointly implemented project on “Support to the Republic of Armenia in the Capacity Building of Civil Society Organizations in the Fight Against Corruption” by the International Governance and Risk Institute of the U.K. and the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials, a seminar-training on the topic “The Establishment and Development of Corruption Risk Assessment System as a Tool to Prevent Corruption” was organized on November 3 of 2017.The event aimed at the capacity building of the Staff of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials on the risk assessment systems as a corruption prevention tool. Aida Sanneh, the international expert of the project and the main speaker of the seminar delivered presentations during the event. She presented the national systems (Slovenia, Macedonia, Lithuania and the United Kingdom) of corruption risk assessment, their legal regulations and measures taken to ensure the efficiency, as well as the methodology and tools of corruption risks.

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