Fight against Corruption Based on the Best International Experience

The Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials has summarized the outcomes of the Project launched on September 2017 with the support of the Embassy of the Great Britain and Northern Ireland in the Republic of Armenia, which was aimed at raising the Commission’s efficiency in implementing its functions.
The Project included different directions:
1. Consultancy on the reforms related to the fight against corruption,
2. Capacity building of the Armenian anti-corruption system,
3. Provision of support to the current activities of the Commission by an international expert,
4. Study visit to the United Kingdom to learn the British best experience of the fight against corruption, as well as the modern developments.
The British experts presented a number of recommendations and studies related to the needs assessments of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officialsinternational best experience for conducting background check of an official before assuming of a positionincluding European Union, United Kingdom and other countries, international best experience of publicity of active declarations and the developments of the Armenian declaration system.
Trainings by the Project have been conducted for the target groups on the topics international systems of conflict of interest managements in public sector, international tools for the fights against corruption, effective communication in the fights against corruption. The trainings have been conducted with a number of interested organizations by their active cooperation and participation, including “Transparency International” Anti-Corruption Center and Armenian Lawyers’ Association, as well as state agencies involved in the fight against corruption RA Ministry of Justice, RA Prosecutor Generals’ Office, RA Special Investigation Service and RA Investigative Committee etc.
Aida Sanneh, international expert of the International Governance and Risk Institute of the U.K. has provided her constant support to the current works of the Commission.

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