Haykuhi Harutyunyan, Chairwoman of the CPC, was hosted by Shant TV’s “Herankar” program.
The chairwoman of the Commission spoke about the draft “Typical Code of Conduct for Public Servants” developed by the Committee and submitted for public discussion.
“Rules of such volume and quality in the terms of making a rule of communication on a public platform, principles of Code of Conduct of public servants’ daily work, behaviour outside of work and behaviour in general, are presented for the first time,” she said.
Haykuhi Harutyunyan highlighted that the presented rules will become a guide for the people of all kinds of state positions, including judges, prosecutors and investigators.
“According to the departments, the rules of conduct should be presented and localized, taking into account the specifics of the sector,” she said.
Answering the question about the ban on receiving gifts from public servants, the chairwoman of the Committee noted that the citizens should understand that it is no longer permissible to present any items of more than a certain threshold and types or perform certain property related actions in his favour.
Referring to the ban on hospitality, Haykuhi Harutyunyan noted. “If the hospitality is organized for a possible decision, action or inaction to be made in favour of the person, it becomes an occasion for the public servant to really make a decision, take action or inaction in favour of that person, then it is also prohibited by the draft.”
Haykuhi Harutyunyan emphasized that the rules of conduct will apply to all the citizens to be appointed in public positions, and as a candidate they will become a subject of integrity check by the Committee.
The CPC will soon present a separate concept for gifts.
As for prosecution in case of violation of the rules, in all cases where there is no remedy for bringing to responsibility, the CPC will present a uniform package of measures as a result of legislative studies.
Watch the full coverage of the “Herankar” program here.