Legal and Proceeding Department

To achieve its objectives, the administration performs the following functions:
1. Providing a legal opinion (conclusion) on draft legal acts developed by the professional structural divisions of the Commission, as well as those presented to the Commission by state bodies for discussion.
2. Providing positions on questions raised by the professional structural divisions of the Commission, state bodies, individuals, public organizations, as well as media, related to the Commission’s authority. This includes providing opinions on the interpretation of legal provisions regarding the prevention of corruption.
3. Collaborating with other professional structural divisions, within its authority, to develop internal legal acts necessary for ensuring the normal functioning of the Commission.
4. Carrying out the development of draft decisions, conclusions, and other documents submitted for the signature of the Commission’s President.
5. Identifying gaps and deficiencies in the regulation of issues related to the prevention of corruption during the Commission’s activities, as well as developing proposals for improving policies related to combating corruption. This includes submitting recommendations for making changes and additions to legal acts.
6. Participating in the development of policies related to combating corruption within its authority.
7. Carrying out the necessary work, including the development of proposals for improving anti-corruption policies, based on the study and analysis of legislation related to the activities of anti-corruption bodies or similar entities in foreign countries, conducted by other professional structural divisions.
More details can be found in the Charter.
The activities of the department are coordinated by Mariam Galstyan, acting Chairperson of the Corruption Prevention Commission.