Integrity Checking Department

Marianna Baghinyan
Head of the department

To achieve its objectives, the administration performs the following functions:
1. Conducts integrity assessments for individuals aspiring to be appointed to public positions, as well as those included in promotion lists.
2. For the purpose of conducting integrity assessments, the administration requires and obtains information available in state or local self-government bodies, state organizations, or from their officials (including through electronic inquiry methods).
3. To obtain information regarding individuals undergoing integrity assessments, the administration conducts interviews with other individuals and also reviews information published in mass media and social networks.
4. The administration conducts an integrity assessment by analyzing the property status of individuals undergoing the assessment and their family members, as well as examining the declarations submitted.
5. The administration provides support to individuals filling out the integrity questionnaire to resolve technical issues.
6. Based on the information received, the administration verifies the authenticity of the data presented in the integrity questionnaire, records discrepancies, and conducts clarifications with the individual regarding these discrepancies.
7. Based on the results of integrity assessments, the administration submits draft conclusions regarding individuals’ integrity to the Commission for approval.
More details can be found in the Charter.

The activities of the department are coordinated by Mariam Galstyan, acting Chairperson of the Corruption Prevention Commission.

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