The Republic of Armenia Law on “Making Amendments and Supplements to the Republic of Armenia Law on Public Service” adopted by the National Assembly entered into force on July 1 of 2017, by which grounds for the institutional independence of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Official, improvements of the declaration regulations, effective implementation of the Commission’s function for declaration analysis were established. Under the mentioned Law, the Commission was vested with the authority to examine cases and impose administrative sanctions on administrative offences for declaration related violations. The establishment of the Commission’s staff was also envisaged by the Law, which will ensure the more effective implementation of the Commission’s activities. At the same time, the scope of the declarant high-ranking officials was enlarged by the Law, as a result of which the number of declarant high-ranking officials will increase by approximately 2000. The Commission’s authorities to regulate the declaration analysis procedure and verification of declaration filling and submission requirements maintenance, as well as verification of the credibility and completeness of the data subject to declaration were established by the mentioned Law. Under the mentioned Law, during the declaration analysis procedure, the Commission was vested with the authority to demand and obtain from competent state or local self-government body, Central Depositary and other persons owning the right to maintain the registry of securities owners, credit bureaus information, documents related to the declarant high-ranking official, as well as his/her family members, excluding the cases as prescribed by the RA Law on “Banking Secrecy”.