In response to numerous media requests regarding the issue, whether the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials is investigating the information published on “Panama Papers” about the head of Compulsory Enforcement Service Mihran Poghosyan, the Commission informs:
The media publications on high-ranking officials’ activity limitations, set by the Law on Public Service, including alleged violations of conflict of interest are always at the center of attention of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials.
As for the measures already taken or the ones to be taken, under the conditions, set by the Law on Public Service, the Commission, within the framework or its powers, will make the relevant decision.
At the same time, the Commission informs that to the statement disseminated in media, that the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials is an “offshore scandal revealing” agency coincides neither the spirit and later of the Law on Public Service nor, moreover the mission of the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials and other similar corruption prevention agencies in advanced countries.