The Commission Has Joined the Network for Integrity Initiative

By the unanimous approval of the Network for Integrity, the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Official has become a member of the organization. Anti-corruption organizations from 13 countries and 4 continent are also members of the initiative. The list of the member countries include France, Latvia, Croatia, Greece, Mexico, Moldova, Peru, Romania, Senegal, Georgia, Cote d’Ivoire, Ukraine. The Network for Integrity aims at the development and promotion of integrity culture to improve the trust towards public sector. The preconditions of the membership to the Network are the independence of the member organizations and the implementation of the integrity related functions of public officials. For the promotion of integrity in public sector of the member organizations’ countries, the Network for Integrity has set a number of problems including the promotion of best experience exchange between member organizations, as well as support to the progress of the fight against corruption. The Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Official is committed to the continuation of its efforts directed towards the development of ethics system in Armenia and the membership to the Network for Integrity will contribute to the establishment of best tools of ethics promoting with the help of international cooperation platforms in Armenia.

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