The scope of the declarant high-ranking officials was enlarged, besides high-ranking officials, including also people holding public positions, as well as public servants from separate groups.
Previously, (until June of 2017) only the high-ranking officials (up to 800 high-ranking officials) had an obligation to submit declarations. Currently, (as of March 2018), the number of high-ranking officials having the obligation to submit declarations increased four times (approximately 3200 declarants).
The wording “family member”, which includes the spouse, minor children, the persons under custody and guardianship, as well as any cohabitants of the high-ranking officials was introduced in the declaration system.
The content of the declarations was unified. The monetary thresholds, prescribed by the law, for the purchase (alienation) of the property was eliminated.
Currently, the family members of the high-ranking officials submit only annual declarations, where the current actual statues for their property are not reflected.
An obligation to present information on the actual property status for all the family members has already been envisaged.
For the credibility and integrity check of the data reflected in the declarations, the information database of a number of state agencies and organizations (including credit bureaus and the Central Depository) are already accessible to the Commission. In the outcome of the technical connection processes, interoperability of the information databases in ensured.
The administrative offences and crimes regarding the declarations, as well as their liability measures have been prescribed by the respective laws.
The electronic declaration system was reequipped, conditioned by the enlargement of the scope of the declarants, establishment of the new system for interest declaration, review of the content of the declarations, criminalization of the illegal enrichment and establishment of liability measures for the violations of the declaration submission procedures.
Within the period of 2012-2017, the Commission accepted and publicized 14907 declarations.
In the outcomes of the publicizing the data of the declaration in more open regime, the number of the media publications regarding the direct functions of the Commission, as well as the declarations published in the official website of the Commission, have increased during 2017.
By the analysis of the submitted declarations before July 1 of 2017, incompatibilities in 178 declarations were detected. By the initiative of the Commission, the declarant officials eliminated the mentioned incompatibilities.
Within the period of July 1 of 2017 to March 30 of 2018, 453 applications, regarding the elimination of the incompatibilities in the declarations by the declarant officials, were submitted to the Commission.
The lists of the high-ranking officials, who submitted their declarations with the violation of submission deadlines, was published in the official website of the Commission (