Clarification on the Declaration Submission Process by the Advisors Appointed on Social Basis

The advisors appointed on the social basis are not considered high-ranking officials in accordance with Paragraph 10 of Article 8 of the RA Law on “Public Service” dated 23.03.2018, HO-206-N.
Taking into consideration the circumstance, that pursuant to the respective the law, the obligation to submit a declaration is conditioned by the circumstance of holding of the respective position, the advisors appointed on social basis are not obliged to submit asset, income and related persons declaration, within the meaning of the law.
At the same time, according to Article 43 of RA Law on “Public Service” dated 23.03.2018, HO-172-N, the Commission on Ethics of High-Ranking Officials is authorized to maintain the declaration registry of the high-ranking officials and other persons as foreseen in the mentioned law.

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