Making the society claimant will contribute to having a well-behaved public servant in the future

Serob Antinyan, Head of the Public Servants’ Behavior Control Department, Arshak Sargsyan, Management Expert, Armen Khudaverdyan, Legal Advisor of the Transparency International Anti-Corruption Center, are taking part in the discussion of Factor TV on the draft “Model rules of conduct for public servants”.

“Public servants’ impartial, objective and ethical behaviour has a direct impact on the public trust in the state,” mentioned Serob Antinyan.

According to Armen Khudaverdyan, this is the interim document, which defines what kind of model rules should be for public servants.

“The work started by the Commission is the beginning of a long way, a preliminary step which will enable having sectoral codes of conduct,” he said.

“The draft developed by CPC is definitely relevant, and we will see the result, but we can achieve significant results only when society’s mentality, cognitive and educational level, with the help of toolkit used by the state, will be reached to a level when the model rules for public servant will be comprehensible to the society, and the society itself will be claiment,” said Arshak Sargsyan.

The management expert thanked the developers of the draft. He noted that it was a high-level work, in which all situations were discussed in detail.

Referring to the role of the society, Serob Antinyan noted. “A broad discussion of model rules, making the society claiment will contribute to having a well-behaved public servant in the future.”

Watch the full discussion of the Factor TV here.

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