Study visit to the Czech Republic

On June 6-10, the Armenian delegation was on a working visit in the Czech Republic.

They participated in the “Investigation of Official Corruption Cases – Criminal Prosecution” in-depth training course, which was organized by the “CEELI” institute in Prague.

The Armenian delegation included representatives of the Corruption Prevention Commission, the RA Prosecutor’s Office, the Anti-Corruption Committee, civil society, an investigative journalism organization, and the Financial Monitoring Center of the Central Bank of Armenia.

The training was conducted by international anti-corruption experts Karen Greenway, Susan Ringler, Catherine Cameron Atkinson, and Jean-Michel Ferrat.

The training was included in the CEELI Institute’s anti-corruption program, which was conducted interactively using a case-based learning methodology.

The training was conducted mainly on selected aspects of the anti-corruption investigation and criminal prosecution, which were presented in the previously developed materials.

The legal possibilities in the current legislative regulations of both foreign and the Republic of Armenia on procedural issues were presented.

At the end of the meeting, the trainers expressed satisfaction with the work done by the participants, and the participants in their turn thanked them for the opportunity for effective work. Graduation certificates were given to the participants at the end of the course․

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