By the decision of the Corruption Prevention Commission, a risk criterion for the analysis of declarations was defined. declarations of 95 officials will be verified

According to the Law on the Corruption Prevention Commission, the Commission is empowered to analyze declarations based on risk indicators. It is within the Commission’s authority to define the methodology and risk criteria for the analysis of declarations.

Based on Article 4, Part 1, Article 25, Part 1, Clause 4, Article 24, Part 1, Clause 4, and Article 22, Part 1, Clause 2 of the Law The Corruption Prevention Commission has decided to set a risk standard for the analysis of declarations for public positions defined by Article 4, Part 3 of the Law on “Public Service” and has approved a list of public positions based on this.

The approved list is posted on the Decisions section of the Commission’s official website and includes 34 post titles for 95 officials.

According to paragraph 2 of the Commission’s decision, it is planned to analyze the 2021 annual declarations of the public office holders and their family members included in the list, as well as the 2022 declarations of assuming and terminating official duties.

Clause 3 of the decision stipulates to analyze the declarations of those who hold public positions defined in the list and their family members, including September 30, 2022.

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